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Steam PC games prices to go up in India: Here’s why

PC games on steam are about to get dearer as Valve has updated its regional pricing tool, which shows recommended pricing for games in all supported currencies. The game developer has increased its recommended pricing for PC games on Steam in all countries outside the US, including in India. With this change, prices of PC games on Steam in India are expected to shoot up by up to 85 percent.

It is worth noting that Valve does not enforce regional pricing on Steam as other developers do. But it does share recommended pricing in all the countries where it Steam is available so that developers can price their games in various countries more easily and accurately.

“We think it’s a helpful guide, but with purchasing power and foreign exchange rates constantly evolving, we needed to make significant changes to those conversion recommendations to stay current,” Valve wrote in a blog post.

“The new recommendations are now live– but as always, developers on Steam are in control of their own pricing. Any given product could use our recommended conversions for all, some, or no other currencies,” the company added.

As far price increase in India is concerned, the game developer has increased the recommended pricing in India by 85 percent. This means that individual PC game developers can hike the pricing of their games by up to 85 percent on the platform. To put into perspective, a game that costed Rs 1,299 in India before can cost up to Rs 2,400 if the developer chooses to adopt the maximum recommended pricing.

While that is a significant increase, the recommended price hike in other countries is far higher. For instance, game developers can charge up to 454 percent higher for their games in Turkey. This means that a game that costed 92,00 Lira would cost 510,00 Lira with the recommended price hike. Similarly, recommended pricing in Argentina has been hiked by around 485 percent. This means that a game that costed 649,99 Peso would cost 3800,00 Peso with the recommended price hike.

Valve, in its blog post, also promised to update these prices more regularly. “We’ll take a close look at these recommendations on an annual basis and make adjustments accordingly,” the company wrote.

The post Steam PC games prices to go up in India: Here’s why appeared first on BGR India.

from Gaming – BGR India


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