OnePlus will launch monitors in India next month. According to a new banner on the OnePlus India website, the company will launch two models, the OnePlus Monitor X 27 and the OnePlus Monitor E 24. This will be another new category for OnePlus, which has previously forayed into non-mobile categories, such as televisions. On its website, OnePlus has also shared the design and some features of its new monitors. Without specifying which, OnePlus has revealed that its monitors will be suited for gaming. “A game changing moment comes into play,” reads the website. This could mean that these monitors will come with gaming-centric technologies, such as a high refresh rate and support for Adaptive Sync technologies. The OnePlus Monitor X 27 will be 27 inches, while the OnePlus Monitor E 24 will be 24 inches in size, and they will likely support both a tabletop stand and a VESA wall mount. One of the images on the website also shows the monitor could be used vertically with proper stand support...