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Jio Cloud Gaming service (JioGamesCloud) is here: Play 50+games for free

Cloud gaming has always enticed everyone as it requires nothing but a fast internet connection. No need for an expensive system, no need to buy games only to play them once, and also it saves you some digital/physical space as you don’t need to install or keep the discs.

However, Cloud gaming isn’t available everywhere as of now. While in the US and some other regions, Microsoft, Nvidia, and other players were trying to make cloud gaming mainstream, in India, there was nothing major that we could rely on. At least so far, or until sometime back.

Reliance Jio announced its Jio Cloud Gaming platform called JioGamesCloud a while ago and it is only starting to materialize now.

Jio Cloud Gaming is now up and live in the beta stage. The platform is now taking registrations for the beta program that will get you access to 50+ games to play and test. Interestingly, JioGamesCloud is free for everyone regardless of what network provider you are on. This means you do not need to be a Jio user to try it out.

The service is now available on Android via the JioGames app and on PC and Mac via the official website. One can also play games on the Jio Set-top box as well.

With all that said, let’s see how you can apply for the JioGamesCloud and enjoy playing free games.

Apply for Jio Cloud Gaming Beta (JioGamesCloud)

Step 1: Open the official website of JioGamesCloud.

Step 2: Tap on Get Started in the upper right corner.

Step 3: Once you tap on Get Started, it will ask you to choose a device. There will be three options: Smartphone, Desktop, and Set-top Box, select any one to continue.

Step 4: Now, select any game to play and tap on Play Now.

Step 5: After you tap on Play Now, you will need to Sign up and get enrolled in the Beta by putting in your mobile number and OTP.

Once you are done, you can simply tap on Play Now on any games in the list and start playing.

What are the system requirements for playing games on JioGamesCloud?

You do not need anything other than a good and stable internet connection. Jio recommends a minimum of 20mbps stable internet connection.

How many games are available on JioGamesCloud?

There are 50+ games available on the platform and the most notable ones include Saints Row: IV, Saints Row: The Third, Grid, and Kingdom Come Deliverance.

How does Jio Cloud Gaming work?

In Cloud gaming, the games get installed on the provider’s servers. That said, you do not need any physical hardware to play games on Cloud Gaming platforms, here for instance: JioGamesCloud.

The post Jio Cloud Gaming service (JioGamesCloud) is here: Play 50+games for free appeared first on BGR India.

from Gaming – BGR India


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