Samsung on Tuesday launched the latest range of Odyssey Gaming monitors for Indian consumers. The Odyssey OLED G8, Odyssey G7, and G7 Neo are the latest addition to the Odyssey Gaming Monitor series with features such as Neo Quantum processor, HDR true black 400, Smart entertainment, and AMD FreeSync Premium Pro. The new range of gaming monitors are said to offer a next-level gaming experience as well as entertainment on the same screen with its Smart Entertainment feature. With the inbuilt entertainment hub feature, consumers can convert the gaming monitor into a smart TV with just a click.
According to the company, these monitors are engineered and designed to offer faster refresh rates, better gaming, and viewing experience, enhanced audio system, and higher pixel density, packed in a premium slim metal design. The latest line-up of the Odyssey monitors are for gamers because they come with a fast response time and a superior picture quality, making their gaming experience more immersive.
Price and Availability:
Odyssey OLED G8 monitor comes in Silver colour in India at a price of Rs 1,75,000. Odyssey Neo G7 will be available in White colour for 43-inch and Black colour for 32-inch at Rs 1,00,000 and Rs 1,30,000, respectively. Odyssey G7 in Black colour will be available at price of Rs 75,000. Customers can buy monitors from Samsung’s official online store Samsung Shop, Amazon, and all leading retail stores. Odyssey OLED G8 and Odyssey Neo G7 will be available on an Instant Discount of Rs 1,750 on debit and credit cards of ICICI and leading banks along with a no cost EMI.
Odyssey OLED G8 Specifications:
The fastest OLED Gaming Monitor among the range of Odyssey monitors, the Odyssey OLED G8 aims to provide a life-like viewing experience due to the Samsung Neo Quantum Processor installed in it. The GTG 0.1ms and 175Hz refresh rate makes the gaming performance of the device unprecedented. It comes with a 21:9 Ultra WQHD (3440 x 1440) resolution giving gamers an immersive experience of gaming by enhancing the picture quality, the company claims. The design of the Odyssey OLED G8 is sleek and the body has a metal finish giving it a premium look.
Odyssey Neo G7 Specifications:
Odyssey Neo G7 supports up to 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms (GTG) response time. The matte display of the Odyssey Neo G7 makes the screen anti-glare and anti-reflection. According to the brand, even during the most intense moments, the Odyssey Neo G7 keeps extremely smooth and fast action gameplay and reduces stuttering, input latency, and screen tearing through AMD FreeSync Premium Pro support.
Odyssey G7 Specifications:
Equipped with a 144Hz refresh rate and a 3840×2160 high resolution, Odyssey G7 offers four times more pixel density than FHD. It also said to provide easy access to Media Hub making it a perfect choice for Smart Entertainment. The CoreSync feature matches the lighting with the game’s on-screen colours giving gamers a more immersive gaming experience via a better picture quality.
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