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Sony hints PlayStation 6 launch may take place in 2027

The availability situation of the Sony PlayStation 5 may have improved over the past few weeks, but several people have still not managed to get their hands on a single unit. In the middle of the anticipation of more units of PS5, Sony has hinted at the release timeline for its next gaming console.

In a newly released but partially redacted document (via PlayStation Lifestyle) released as a part of Sony’s clarification on the pending Microsoft-Activision deal, which is under investigation by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the company has hinted the next-generation gaming console may arrive sometime in 2027.

Although the part where the exact launch timeline was mentioned was redacted, the public document claims Microsoft had “offered to continue making Activision’s games available on PlayStation only until 2027.” This claim is followed by Sony’s counterpoint, highlighting that by the time it “launched the next generation of its PlayStation console (which is likely to occur around [redacted]), it would have lost access to Call of Duty and other Activision titles, making it extremely vulnerable to consumer switching and subsequent degradation in its competitiveness.”

In other words, Microsoft has told Sony that Activision’s smash-hit Call of Duty franchise and other titles will be available on PlayStation until 2027. Since Sony is likely planning to launch the next generation of the PlayStation (PS6) after 2027, the lack of the Call of Duty franchise and other Activision titles on it may turn off some buyers.

Sony usually follows a 7-year cycle for its gaming consoles. For instance, the PlayStation 5 was launched in 2020, while the PlayStation 4 came in 2013. So, Sony is highly likely to launch the next PlayStation model in 2027. A few leaked renders have already offered a peek at what the Sony PS6 would look like. Sony’s hint puts an end to the speculation around the launch date of the Sony PlayStation 6, but we will have to wait to find out the exact details of the launch.

The post Sony hints PlayStation 6 launch may take place in 2027 appeared first on Techlusive.

from Gaming – Techlusive


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