Domestic gaming company nCore Games has partnered with the makers of the upcoming Diwali release Ram Setu to create a new game titled Ram Setu: The Run. The game was launched on October 14 on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for mobile. In the game players can take on roles of the movie characters – Dr. Aryan Kulshrestha (Akshay Kumar), Sandra (Jacqueline Fernandez), or AP (Satyadev Kancharana).
“Ram Setu: The Run, is our attempt at marrying our prowess in game development with a blockbuster IP to bring a polished, entertaining gaming experience that anyone can just pick up and play,” shared Deepak Ail, Co-Founder and CEO of Dot9 Games. “To further underscore our commitment to that, our team has worked hard to ensure it is optimised well enough to be playable even on low-end smartphones as well as tablets. Gaming is for everyone and Ram Setu: The Run is our effort in making that a reality.” Ram Setu releases in theatres on October 25.
As seen in the movie’s trailer, it’s the story about one man’s race against time who’s on a mission to preserve India’s heritage – Ram Setu – that was built by Lord Rama and his army while they were preparing to conquer Lanka, Ravana’s kingdom, to bring back Sita.
The famous Setu, as mentioned in the Hindu epic text Ramayana, bridges the two countries – modern-day India and Sri Lanka. The trailer of the film shows that some forces are trying to remove the existence of the ‘Ram Setu’ but trust Akshay’s character to destroy the intentions of evil people instead.
The film looks like an action-adventure, with a bit of ancient history roped in to make it look more engaging and authentic. There are a few scenes that feature ancient caves, giant sculptures, old temples and of course, the ‘setu’ built by the Vanara-army of Lord Ram under the supervision of Lord Hanuman.
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from Gaming – BGR India
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