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Bethesda rescues Stadia players with free copies of Elder Scrolls Online

Google shocked the gaming community last month after it announced that it would be shutting down its cloud-based gaming service, Stadia, in January 2023. Shortly after, gaming companies such as Gylt-developer Tequila Works and Q-Games among others shared their plans of making their Stadia-exclusive games available on other gaming platforms. Now, Bethesda, the studio behind the popular Elder Scrolls Online series, has said that it will handing out free copies of the gaming series to Windows PC and Mac users.

It is worth noting that Bethesda had shared its plans of making its Stadia games available on PCs shortly after Google sealed Stadia’s fate after its announcement. “We are happy to share that our Stadia players will be able to transfer ESO accounts to PC, bringing with them all of their progress, including but not limited to existing characters, purchased items, achievement, and inventory,” the company had said in its post at the time.

“Since Stadia players already play ESO on our PC servers, all of their friends and guilds wil be wauting for them once they complete the transfer,” it had added.

Additionally, Bethesda had also said that it would share more details regarding this soon. Now, the gaming studio has started sending emails to Stadia players detailing how Stadia players can save the progress that they have made while playing Elder Scrolls Online series on the cloud-based gaming platform.

“With the impending shutdown of Stadia’s online service on January 18, 2023, we have granted your Elder Scrolls Online account the option to access the game on the PC/Mac platform,” the email says.

How to access Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls Online on your Windows PC or Mac

To access the Elder Scrolls Online on their Windows PCs or Mac computers, gamers need to log in to their account on the company’s official website with their ESO credentials and download the game client. Bethesda says that upon downloading the game this way, the progress that the company made on Stadia, including characters, purchased content, achievements, and inventory, will be preserved on PC or Mac.

However, if users are unable to log in, they can recover their UserID or reset their passwords from the account sign in page. “If you are unable to recover your account, contact our Customer Servie team at,” the company added.

The post Bethesda rescues Stadia players with free copies of Elder Scrolls Online appeared first on BGR India.

from Gaming – BGR India


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