Gigabyte on Tuesday launched a new range of gaming laptops in India. The company released more laptops in its G5 series focusing on the lower-end segment. The new range is powered by the 12th generation Intel Core i5 processor and up to Nvidia RTX 3060 graphics.
The range is priced starting at roughly Rs 77,000 and goes all the way up to Rs 1,03,000. Let’s take a look at the details.
New Gigabyte G5 series specifications and features
The new Gigabyte G5 range comprises three laptops, namely, Gigabyte G5 KE, Gigabyte G5 ME, and Gigabyte GE. The entire lineup is powered by the Intel Core i5 processor and has a similar design.
The Gigabyte G5 series sports a matte black finish with a 15.6-inch Full HD display. It has a 144Hz high refresh rate for all your gaming needs. All three models come powered by the Intel Core i5-12500H processor with a base frequency of 2.5 GHz and a maximum frequency of 4.5 GHz.
The processor is paired with 8GB of DDR4 RAM clocked at 3200 MHz. As for storage, all have 512GB of M.2 Gen 4 SSD storage.
The Gigabyte G5 KE is the higher-end model with a 6GB Nvidia RTX 3060 GPU. The Gigabyte G5 ME has a 4GB Nvidia RTX 3050Ti, whereas, the Gigabyte G5 GE has a 4GB Nvidia RTX 3050 GPU.
Since the G5 series is for gaming, it comes with Gigabyte’s proprietary cooling solution, the WINDFORCE cooling technology. The laptops feature 59-blade dual fans, 5 heat pipes, and 4 exhaust vents, all to dissipate heat generated while gaming.
Coming to the battery, all pack a 54Wh battery with support for 180W charging on the G5 KE and 150W on the G5 ME and G5 GE. The trio boots on Windows 11 Home Edition and come with a free Microsoft Office 365 Personal version for 1 year.
New Gigabyte G5 series price in India
The Gigabyte G5 GE is priced at Rs 77,887, the G5 ME is priced at Rs 85,801, and G5 KE costs Rs 1,03,890. The laptops come with a 2-year carry-in warranty and have Microsoft Office 365 pre-loaded. The laptops can be purchased from Flipkart and other offline retail stores in the country.
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from Gaming – BGR India
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